Season 9
Moses Changed His Mind: Tuesdays with Tata
It's Tuesdays with Tata!Today, a look at Exodus 32, and a talk about how Moses changed his mind!Support and boost your immune system with Armra! Use DRLEEWARREN code at checkout for a discount!Improve your gut health,...
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Just Show Up, with Drew Dyck (Mind Change Monday)
How do we glorify God and help others when we're exhausted and our lives seem impossibly busy?Today we have a great conversation with writer and editor Drew Dyck about how just showing up is sometimes the most...
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Solve, not Succumb: Self-Brain Surgery Saturday
It's Self-Brain Surgery Saturday!
Today's operation is The Gratitude Graft. (Originally released in 2022, re-released today in preparation for Thanksgiving, with transcript!)
Learning how to be grateful in any...
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Breathe In, and Win the Battle for Your Mind (Frontal Lobe Friday)
It's Frontal Lobe Friday!A look at how bringing mindfulness into your breathing can get your frontal lobes under control, to help you retake the high mental ground when life throws hard things at you. This is a...
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Theology Thursday, and Two Books I Love
It's Theology Thursday. Today, a look at happiness, joy, and contentment.Books Mentioned: Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott and Happiness by Randy Alcorn Improve your gut health, immune system, and protect your brain with...
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Why Worldview Matters
Our current society has a big worldview problem.
Today for Wildcard Wednesday, We Talk About WorldviewToday, we talk about John Mark Comer’s book Live No Lies, and two ideas that he really helped me clarify:
What was...
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Corie Weathers: Navigating the Military Culture Shift (Veterans Day Episode 2023)
On Veterans Day, I had a great talk with Corie Weathers about the challenges our veterans, their families, and our active duty military members are facing as we transition from two decades of war. Based on more than...
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What Does Your Gut Have to Do With Your Brain?
It's Mind Change Monday!Today, a look at the gut microbiome and it's role in immune and brain health. And, the first in a series of weekly segments, Three Things I Learned from Three Books I Love!Improve your gut...
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Thoughts Regulate Gene Expression: Positive Thinking Isn't a Trick
It's Self-Brain Surgery Saturday!Today, a look at the question of whether "changing our minds" is just another self-help gimmick, or if it's really possible to change our lives by changing how we think. This one gets...
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Tricking Your Brain, or Changing Your Mind?
Training Your Brain to Look for the Bright Side Takes Work
But it's the secret to becoming healthier, feeling better, and being happier. People who learn to look at every situation and look for some hope or...
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What's So Amazing?, with Philip Yancey
Join me for another incredible conversation with New York Times Bestselling author, Philip Yancey!We had a great talk about his book What's So Amazing About Grace?, which is now available in a revised and updated 25th...
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When You Know it's Time to Start
Sometimes, God puts something on your heart, and you know: It's time to start.What do you do then?Real life change is hard, scary, and often seems impossible. There's so much inertia in staying put, because even if...
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