Season 1
Friday Conversations #3: Lisa Bevere
Lisa Bevere is a powerful voice for troubled times
Join me for a conversation with New York Times bestselling author and international minister Lisa Bevere. We talk about her important book, Adamant, how holding onto...
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You've Got a Friend
It’s good to know you’ve got a friend who will always come through for you
That’s what our daughter Kalyn told me when she picked the James Taylor song, You’ve Got a Friend for her to dance to with me at her wedding...
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Make a Level Path
If you want to make real progress in your life, stop putting mountains in our own way.
Here are some thoughts from Hebrews 12:12-13 on making level paths for our feet.
Music from Elevation Worship
(Music shared on The...
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Tuesdays With Tata #59: Sifted Like Wheat
The last three years have felt like we're all being sifted!
Jesus told Peter that Satan had asked to "sift you like wheat." What happened next is a remarkable story.
It's Tuesdays with Tata and we have a great...
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Mind Change Monday: The 5 R’s of Mind Management
The 5 R's of Mind Management Will Set You Up For Success!
Renew. "Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able...
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Power and Finesse
Surgery Is A Balance Between Power and Finesse
(Note: I'm taking a day off! Here's a helpful episode from last year, one of my favorites!)
So is life.
Here are some musings on paradox, on baseball, on things that...
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Self-Brain Surgery Saturday #5: The Lousy Attitude Lobotomy
Sometimes We Need to Adjust Our Own Attitudes IF We Want to Make Progress!
Click here to download the transcript!
In this episode, we'll take the bad thought biopsy results from last week and use them to accomplish...
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Friday Conversations #2: Believing is Seeing with Dr. Michael Guillen
Science and Faith Do Not Have to Fight Each Other
Join me for an amazing conversation with Dr. Michael Guillen, Ph.D. about his important book, Believing is Seeing: A Physicist Explains How Science Shattered His...
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Science and Faith in Hopeless Cases
How Do We Maintain Hope When Science Says It's Hopeless?
(Throwback Thursday replay)
Thoughts on how to use science AND faith together even when all seems lost.
This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this...
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Quiet Time: The Same Love
Here’s a powerful way to spend some quiet time today.
Question: What did Jesus say was the key to being set free from anything that holds us back?
Listen for the answer!
Scripture: Luke 4:18-19, John 8:31-32
Music by...
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Mind Change Monday #5: How High is Your Floor?
It’s Mind Change Monday!
Today, I have one question for you: how high is your floor? It’s a quick mindset shift, a decision to finally gain control of anything that’s been holding us back.
Scripture mentioned: Job...
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The Anxiety Lifestyle
Life is hard. And it can produce stress and anxiety for all of us sometimes.
But synapses that fire together wire together, and it’s possible to teach our brains how to live an anxiety lifestyle, so that we...
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