
Impossible Possible Things

Season #1 Episode #177

When it feels impossible for us, God reminds us it's possible for Him! (It’s Replay Monday; I have an urgent surgery this morning, so I’m bringing you this super-helpful classic episode, and then I’m on my way to work!) Here's a quick list of times in scripture when God made something IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE. So, He can do it for us too! Sometimes, God... Whistles Zechariah 10:8, Isaiah 5:26, Isaiah 7:18 (FLIES, BEES, AND PEOPLE) Roars Hosea 11:10 Gets up Isaiah 30:18 Roams the earth 2 Chronicles 16:9 Sees the end from the beginning (not surprised) Isaiah 46:10 Finishes what He starts/Ends it like he says he will/Calls his shots Isaiah 46:11 Floats axe heads 2 Kings 6:1-7 Sends bears 2 Kings 2:23-25 Calls for birds and leaders Isaiah 46:11 Parts waters Genesis 1:6 (Beginning), Exodus 14 (Red Sea), Joshua 4:10 (Jordan), 2 Kings 2:8 (Elijah), 2 Kings 2:13-14 (Elisha) Knocks down walls Joshua 6 Moves the sun Joshua 10:12-14 Raises up dry bones Dry bones in Ezekiel 37 Sends angels Daniel 10 Coins in fish  Matthew 17:24-27 Fish to Swallow Prophet Jonah 1-2 Manna and Quail Exodus 16 Water from a rock Exodus 17 Loaves and fishes Mark 6:30-44 Makes wine John 2 Oil that doesn't run out I Kings 17:7-16 Raises the dead  Luke 7:11–17,  Luke 8:49–56, : John 11:1-44 Calms storms Matthew 8 Walks on Water Matthew 14 Heals disease and disability John 5 Heals ears Luke 22 Eats His Homework? John 4:34 ("My food is to the work my Father gave me.") And if that's not enough- he will lay down his life for you: Romans 5:8 And didn't stay dead: I Cor. 15, Colossians 2 And he's praying for you! John 17 Music by Lincoln Brewster (Music shared on The Dr. Lee Warren Podcast is authorized under BMI license #61063253 and ASCAP license #400010513 ) This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit