
Mind Change Monday: Treasure Hunt

Season #1 Episode #294

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit drleewarren.substack.comIt’s Mind Change Monday! Today we talk about how to fill our hearts and minds with good stuff, so that we know what’s going to happen when the pressure is on. Let’s go on a treasure hunt to help us change our minds and change our lives. Mind Change Monday is for paid subscribers only, and is one of the most helpful things we offer here at Self-Brain Surgery. In addition to these special episodes, the entire podcast archive is coming online for paid subscribers. There are at least two free episodes every week on Substack, along with the weekly free Self-Brain Surgery letter. Paid subscribers get new Mind Change Monday episodes weekly, the free episodes, and archived episodes every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! Paid subscribers also get access to the entire newsletter archive, video content, and more. If you want full access, please subscribe using the button below. You can try it out for seven days for free. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit