
Using Your Gifts in a Godly Way: Bob and Linda Lotich on Kingdom Finances

Episode #13

Money and Finances Can Be a Constant Source of Stress

Bob and Linda Lotich are here today to talk about a different way to live, and they have a unique and surprising story. 

Bob Lotich found himself at his breaking point in his early 20’s overwhelmed by debt and stranded 1,000 miles from home with only $7 to his name. After crying out to God for wisdom and discovering a simpler (and far more effective) approach to money, he reached a level of financial freedom he never dreamed possible: having a paid-off house by age 31 and even reaching a personal goal of giving $1 million by age 40. For the last 15 years he’s shared his best lessons with over 52 million readers and listeners on his award-winning blog, and SeedTime Money Podcast.

Linda has spent a lifetime perfecting the art of avoiding boring conversations. Though her financial life was a mess (carrying guilt for making bad decisions, and so much shame she didn’t even know how to ask for help) she just prayed it would all work out. And one day she met the man of her dreams (named Bob), and he had no problem taking her mess and creating all the pie charts and spreadsheets. But as time went on, she began realizing how investing a little time in something she typically found boring, could actually open up the adventure of a lifetime with God!

Their book, Simple Money, Rich Life is a unique and fascinating look at learning to have a Kingdom mindset in all areas of your life, including your finances. 

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