Healing What You Can't Erase, with Christopher Cook
Some Wounds Never Go Away, and Some Traumas Cannot Be Erased. But You Can Heal Anyway!
Christopher Cook is a pastor, podcaster, sought-after public speaker, and leadership coach. He's also a great human, and a good friend. His new book is Healing What You Can't Erase: Transform Your Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health from the Inside Out.
Chris's story has some pain, loss, and brokenness. But it also has a powerful path you can follow to transformation and healing.
This book is on my short list for best books of 2024 already. It's one of the most helpful books I've ever read, and I'm so grateful for the time Chris spent in this conversation.
Chris's podcast is also amazing. Here's a link to my appearance on his show last year!
Check out Chris's website here.
A path from trauma to transformation that doesn’t rely on willpower, but rather on the daily power of the Holy Spirit—from pastor and leadership coach Christopher Cook
“Razor-sharp focus . . . a clear-cut path to find healing.”—New York Times bestselling author and pastor Mark Batterson
The pain that happened to you is real . . . and it matters immensely.
The notion of healing what you can’t erase is not about ignoring the devastation of your past or putting a glossy, positive spin on current tragedy. That plastic version of faith isn’t actually faith; it’s unbelief.
Healing What You Can’t Erase offers a far better solution—a road map for moving forward through the losses and scars by allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to transform us . . . spirit, soul, and body.
Through story, instruction, action steps, and guided questions, you’ll discover
• why transformation beats willpower and self-help
• how to recognize and heal a broken spirit
• well-researched, biblically grounded strategies to revitalize your mental and emotional well-being
• how inside-out integrated transformation changes your spirit, soul, and body
Whether you’re wrestling with the loss of a marriage, a fractured friendship, a betrayal at work, or a chronic illness, there is hope. No matter your pain or traumatic experience, the Holy Spirit can heal and restore you to the life God created you for.
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